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Capital Federal, Bs.As., Argentina

Teens 2

Whale - watching Experience


Students  in Puerto Madryn are participating in an exchange programme.
 English students who are studying in B.A. are visiting your city.You have been chosen to be their tourist guides
during their educational tour. The English students want to learn about whales,their habitat as well as the city they are visiting.
They are interested in Whale- watching and sightseeing.

Local students will be separated into two groups:
  • Group A
      You have to tell them about : click here
       Types of Whales visiting the area
       When /why they migrate to the area and how long they stay there
       Find out about their habitat
       Mention some surprising features about these animals.
Resources:Whales in South America
  • Group B
     You have to tell them about the town.
       When Whale -watching started
       What other species there are in the area (Penguins...)
       What important places they can visit
       What other touristic activities B.A. students can do there.
Resources:Puerto Madryn
                Puerto Madryn 1

Once you have collected , selected and organized the information you have to role play the following situations:
1-Group A: organize a presenation on the whales.You may play a video about Whales as you talk about them.
Group B: pretend you are the English students going on the Whale-watching tour.Ask questions to find out about them
2-Group B: organize a presentation on Puerto Madryn city.You may play a video or an interactive map.
 Group A:pretend you are the English students going on  a city tour .Ask questions to find out about the city.
Resouces: Videos
Follow up:1- Students create a  multiple-choice quiz on the information collected
               2-Students create a poster to be given to visitor students as a souvenir.
                  Include photos of the places visited and the Whale-watching experience .
Resources: Video
Your project will be evaluated in terms of:
Participation of all members in all tasks.
Grammar and spelling.
Visual presentation and content.
Oral production .
Personal contribution  and creativity.
Your personal performance will be evaluated by your teacher and classmates.